Space Warps Talk

HSC Hyper Subprime-Cam Subaru strategic program

  • c_cld by c_cld

    Subaru telescope survey We are carrying out a three-layered, multi-band (grizy plus 4 narrow-band filters) imaging survey with the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) on the 8.2m Subaru Telescope.

    Science Publications:

    “A spectroscopically confirmed double source plane lens system in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Survey” M.Tanaka , K.Wong, A.More et al (ApJL accepted (Submitted on 30 Jun 2016))

    We report the serendipitous discovery of HSC J142449-005322, a double source plane lens system in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program. We dub the system Eye of Horus. The lens galaxy is a very massive early-type galaxy with stellar mass of ~7x10^11 Msun located at z_L=0.795. The system exhibits two arcs/rings with clearly different colors, including several knots. We have performed spectroscopic follow-up observations of the system with FIRE on Magellan. The outer ring is confirmed at z_S2=1.988 with multiple emission lines, while the inner arc and counterimage is confirmed at z_S1=1.302. This makes it the first double source plane system with spectroscopic redshifts of both sources. Interestingly, redshifts of two of the knots embedded in the outer ring are found to be offset by delta_z=0.002 from the other knots, suggesting that the outer ring consists of at least two distinct components in the source plane. We perform lens modeling with two independent codes and successfully reproduce the main features of the system. However, two of the lensed sources separated by ~0.7 arcsec cannot be reproduced by a smooth potential, and the addition of substructure to the lens potential is required to reproduce them. Higher-resolution imaging of the system will help decipher the origin of this lensing feature and potentially detect the substructure.

    HSC J142449-005322


    dsplens1 two arcs/rings with clearly different colors ☘

    1237648720172810682 1237648720172810682


  • c_cld by c_cld

    Einstein ring "CSWA 164" Daniel Stark et al.

    CSWA 164 SDSS J023249.86-032326.0

    but much sharper and deeper view provided by HSC:

    enter image description here


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Utterly fascinating.. "The Eye of Horus"

    enter image description here


  • c_cld by c_cld

    Strong gravitational lensing group system candidate

    ASW0008jho or ASW0008kij

    ASW0008jho arc simulation added for training

    showing up in the wide-9451 field of Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program.

    SDSS J221211.45-000820.8 HSC color composite image in the g, r and i bands

    grid ticksize 6"

    HSC-SSP Data

    | SDSS Id             | HSC object_id     | ra          | dec          | gmag_naive | rmag_naive | imag_naive |
    | 1237663543147299158 | 41566792274966769 | 333.0461769 | -0.139349348 | 22.670578  | 22.566473  | 22.4424229 |
    | 1237663543147299150 | 41566792274966762 | 333.0472933 | -0.139643795 | 22.4542999 | 20.7674904 | 20.1736965 |
    | 1237663543147299154 | 41566792274966766 | 333.047424  | -0.138272959 | 21.8120594 | 21.1209984 | 20.7540874 |
    | 1237663543147299151 | 41566792274966761 | 333.0477126 | -0.139064617 | 21.2427635 | 19.5446072 | 18.8756008 |
    | 1237663543147299153 | 41566792274966765 | 333.0481772 | -0.138118226 | 21.8835068 | 21.7051163 | 21.5788193 |


  • c_cld by c_cld

    ASW00096rm #SW41 CFHTLS J221716+015826


    Subaru HSC-SSP

    J221716+015826 HSC color composite image

    ra,dec 22:17:16.58 +01:58:26.2 ; 334.319083 1.973944


  • c_cld by c_cld

    gravitational lens COSMOS J095930+023427

    showing up in the wide field of Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program.


    CFHTLS 0200_0482273 ra, dec 149.878930 +02.574379


  • c_cld by c_cld

    Strong gravitational lensing candidate in HSC wide-9614 GAMA15H field

    SDSS J142017.79+005831.8 1237651752415068420 215.074157102, 0.975507431 z 0.330




    composite image of g, r, i bands




  • c_cld by c_cld

    Strong gravitational lensing candidate in HSC wide-9372 GAMA15H field

    SDSS J142332.12-003115.8 1237648720709551103
    GAMAJ142332.12-003115.8 CATAID = 568653 RA = 215.88386 Dec = -0.52107079
    SPECID = G15_Y2_015_156 z 0.3631

    1237648720709551103 SDSS thumbnail


    GAMA568653 gri composite

    possible cusp configuration, separation E/W blue blobs ~5.44"
