Space Warps Talk


  • alsunni500 by alsunni500

    if i marked a grav len that is not simulated , can it be a known grav len or the rest are all unknown


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Cold you please point out the possible lens?


  • alsunni500 by alsunni500

    are there known lens in the images of this project other than the simulated ones or they are all to be spotted for the first time


  • davidjamesjones by davidjamesjones

    When I miss a simulated lens it would surely improve my spotting skills if it was pointed out, perhaps with an arrow of a circle. Simply suggesting I look around the site is not really very helpful.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to alsunni500's comment.

    There are real known lenses (or candidates) that can be found in images of this survey - see this thread for details.

    We have already spotted several promising candidates through Spacewarps - but those results will be communicated to us in time 😃

    So yes there both known and previously undiscovered lenses in these images.
