Space Warps Talk

How to know when we find a real lens?

  • eCid by eCid

    I notice many repeats. Also am getting antsy to know how you will let me know when I MIGHT have foud a real one.


  • anupreeta by anupreeta scientist, admin

    Do you mean you see repeated sims or just regular images are seen repeated in succession?
    We all are trying to find where the real lenses are, that's the challenge! There are some known real lenses in the images which are appropriately labelled in Talk. Any new ones that we will find, we plan to report a few soon but its possible to present the full sample systematically only towards the end of the survey images. Watch out for our emails/blogs on such reports!


  • eCid by eCid

    Just wjat are we doing? I've looked at close to 9.000 images, and they are all training tests, apparently. What is the point?


  • eCid by eCid

    Sometimes I find something that clearly (to me) looks like a lens, but I don't get a CONGRATS banner. Are these sometimes CANDIDATE lenses?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    As from tonight we are on a different mission :

    Have you seen this blog post ? Space Warps Refine

    We are now going through a sample of 3.381 possible lenses (found by Space Warpers). You only get a message if you clicked on or correctly didn't click on a non-lens.

    Happy hunting !



    i am alsunni
    can you tell me if i have found any real candidate len


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi alsunni,

    We are now going through a sample of 3.381 possible lenses to refine this sample. When that is done the scinetists will study this sample. and Then we'll know if we found any lenses and how many.
