Space Warps Talk

More obscure sims? & Dashboard problem

  • HelPer2 by HelPer2

    Point one: Are the sims getting less realistic, or am I losing my grip? Several of the latest ones I've seen I have rejected even on examination. i.e. not recognise as sims at all. This pink and blue dot is an example. (Alternative explanation = I'm having a very negative and rejecting weekend!)

    Point two: Slow Dashboard doesn't always show the image, I'm using Chrome, and the Quick Dashboard is fine.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi HelPer2

    I first didn't see the lens, but after rechecking it with Tools I found it. It is not the blue dot and the pink one.

    The lens is the blue dot and then there is an arc buried in the glare of the galaxy. But this one is indeed almost impossible to find.

    And don't get discouraged if you miss sims. Even missing sims is useful ! 😄


  • HelPer2 by HelPer2

    If I had been able to view this on the "Slow" Dashboard, i.e."Tools", would it have been more visible at one of the wavelengths?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    You can use Tools while classifying. Just click on the Icon to the left of the Dashboard and open Tools. Afterwards, you return to the classifying page et voila !


  • HelPer2 by HelPer2

    Thanks Elisabeth, I'll give it a try!
