Space Warps Talk

Number of images to be classified

  • the_t-man by the_t-man

    Hello there everybody! Maybe I've just not been finding it and you've already posted it somewhere else, but (roughly) how many images do you have for classification? Are they still getting more? And do you plan to set up a counter for the number of images? Found it to be a great motivational source 😉
    Oh, and this is really a fun project to do... the short time you need for each picture keeps me classifying for quite a while


  • drphilmarshall by drphilmarshall scientist, admin

    Glad you like it, @the_t-man ! We have about 400,000 images to search, and because there is always quite a bit of uncertainty we need 10 or more classifications per image. We reached 1 million classifications on day 2, so I think we'll make it! Great idea re targets - I'll see what we can do! 😃
