Space Warps Talk

Simulation frequency

  • Sue_Blackburn by Sue_Blackburn

    Hi, All of a sudden I stopped getting simulated pictures, I must have gone through 300+ but no messages back to say I have missed any. Have tried logging out and back in. Is there a problem with the site?


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    No problem with the site - you have just finished classifying all the training images, and your sim pool is now empty 😃


  • khadijah_iman by khadijah_iman

    yes same here i posted on here about it and the moderator said that i went through all the images and theres nothing left plus another moderator said he/she thinks they are running out of images


  • 11Sparky11 by 11Sparky11

    You can finish the sim pics? Could fool me, I swear I must have went through at least 400 sim images, repeats many of them.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    You need to classify a LOT of images before they stop 😃


  • Sue_Blackburn by Sue_Blackburn

    I've now been told they have run out of images!!!!! What am I going to do tonight?!

    Is there any other images that need looking at on a different topic? Was really enjoying doing this?


  • Sue_Blackburn by Sue_Blackburn

    11Sparky11 I think I hit about 4000 images before the sim pics stopped but they have all stopped now so ............


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi Sue

    You cold try out one of the other Zooniverse projects !

    Happy hunting ! 😄


  • Sue_Blackburn by Sue_Blackburn in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    Ahh I feel better now!!!


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    Sadly no - the Stargazing live project had a limited number of images to classify.

    Even before the fantastic response we had from you guys, we did not expect to see the VICS82 project lasting more than a few days.

    I am told there are other Zooniverse project 😉
