Space Warps Talk

Sim disapearing in multisim image in Quick dashboard

  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    I was given ASW0005mxk to classify.

    2 Sims appear in the normal view:

    enter image description here

    In the quick dashboard, the sim to the left has dissapeared:

    enter image description here

    Both sims get displayed in the image in Talk.

    Edit to add: The pop-up pointed to the smaller sim on the right.


  • anupreeta by anupreeta scientist, admin

    thanks for reporting, i'm looking into this!


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    A user has just reported it also happening on ASW0006e2t


  • anupreeta by anupreeta scientist, admin

    Thanks, I've informed @akapadia and he will be fixing it soon.


  • anupreeta by anupreeta scientist, admin

    this should be fixed now 😃
