Space Warps Talk

New bug -Sim messages on wrong slides

  • biggsjrex by biggsjrex

    I have just encountered a new problem. The "this image actually contains a simulation" message popping up and pointing at nothing- a blank spot that clearly contains no simulation or anything else. The previous slide may have contained the simulation; I marked was appeared to be a sim but got no response, and this sim was located in about the position indicated by the message in the next slide.


  • Damon22 by Damon22

    I have had the same misrepresentations in images ASW0000m3d ASW0000ahp ASW0006693 ASW000618h


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Refreshing the page usually gets rid of this annoying thing ! 😄


  • anupreeta by anupreeta scientist, admin

    Please do keep posting the image IDs as @Damon22 did above. This problem is not yet been figured out, the more specific examples you provide, the easier it will be to get to the core of the problem. Thanks!


  • biggsjrex by biggsjrex

    Image ASW0000lx9 contains a "this image actually contains a simulation" message pointing at nothing


  • biggsjrex by biggsjrex

    Image ASW0006dqv contains two simulations, one in the lower left hand corner and one lower-right center. I marked only the one in the lower left, but the "Nice Catch" message popped up and pointed to the other sim. On the next image, ASW00065vy, a "this image actually contains a simulation" message popped up and pointed to the location of the lower-right center sim on the previous slide.


  • biggsjrex by biggsjrex

    Another image with a "this image actually contains a simulation" message pointing at nothing - ASW0000rhm


  • biggsjrex by biggsjrex

    Still finding this problem - ASW00094hd had a Sim message but no Sim. I believe the Sim was actually on the previous slide, but no response when I marked it.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    This is a know and persistent bug. The only way (just now) to get rid of it is to refresh the page.
