Space Warps Talk

Favourite Images Bugs

  • MelT by MelT

    A few bugs with SpaceWarps Favourite Images:

    • Missing favourites: at the top of the classification window it says I have 14 favourite images. When I click on profile on the left side bar, it takes me to a new Zooniverse page, but only shows me 10 favourites. Where are the other 4?
    • Unable to delete favourites: how do I delete images from my favourites?
    • Favourites not listing training images separately from other images: any chance our favourites could automatically list training images separately from non-training images? Or at least a way to do this manually? While keeping both under the favourites lists by preferrence.


  • surhudm by surhudm scientist

    Hi! Could you please try to refresh the page on Favourites. It should show up the images. Thanks!
