Space Warps Talk

Current classifying image lost if you view an image in Profile

  • ceperman by ceperman

    When in classifying:

    1. Click Profile and view an image
    2. Click "Return to classifying"

    The current image has been replaced with a new one. The original one doesn't even appear in the Recents list. This is 100% repeatable.

    Browser: Chrome

    OS: Linux Mint


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to ceperman's comment.

    I think that is intended functionality 😃


  • ceperman by ceperman

    Seriously? Why? I found it quite confusing until I experimented and discovered what exactly was happening... 😦


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to ceperman's comment.

    Each image will be classified by 10 people - we work how many people has classified an image at the point of submission (i.e. when you click on 'finished marking' or 'next').

    When you navigate away from the classify page we have no way of knowing if you be back in 1 minute, a hour or never - so the image you were looking at, will go back in the queue and someone else will have the opportunity to classify it. If we somehow 'locked' the image to wait for a user to return, we would land up with a lot of images that have not been classified by the required number of participants.

    Hope this makes it clearer 😃

    Edit to add: Only images you have completed classifying will be visible under your 'Recents' tab.


  • ceperman by ceperman

    Thanks for that. Yes, I understand now, although one of the rules of user interaction should really be "no surprises" which I would say this is. If I were doing this (I'm a software developer myself) I might consider not having any locking and if a race condition occurred over the 10 limit, just discard any unwanted results.

    Anyway, I'm not here to upset your software, so I'll get back to my job of finding lenses 😃


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to ceperman's comment.

    No, we value your input 😃 If you thought it was a bit strange, I am sure others have as well 😃 At least now the answer is out here.

    Have fun - but I warn you it is addictive 😃


  • ceperman by ceperman

    I've just realised that there is a problem with your explanation. The image only changes if you view an image in your profile. If you go to Profile, don't do anything and then go back to classifying, the image has not changed. According to what you said it should always change, I think.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    Yes that is because if you select an image in profile - you are navigated to Talk - hence you have effectively exited the Spacewarps site 😃 I should of been clearer as to what I meant by classify 😃


  • ceperman by ceperman

    Thanks. Just goes to show that you've done a good job of making it so seamless!


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to ceperman's comment.

    No worries 😃
